Becoming an AI expert is possible for anyone

If there’s one thing on everyone’s mind, it’s artificial intelligence. 

The concept is nothing new, but in recent years technology has led to a surge in its abilities and popularity. AI is changing how we communicate, work, and live, paving the way for new careers.

The job market is changing rapidly, and while some people worry about AI impacting their chosen careers, many specialists agree that it will create more jobs than it will destroy.

Forward-thinking businesses are embracing this evolving technology and hiring AI experts to help them transition. Communications and digital marketing company Flight Story recently made Mo Gawdat it’s head of AI.

Becoming an AI expert can open many doors regarding earning potential and career progression. The best thing is, as it’s a relatively new sector, you can skill up and take advantage of an early entry into a career path that will offer long-term stability.

In this guide, we’ll reveal how you can become an artificial intelligence expert in 2023. Let’s dive in.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is a form of computer science that creates intelligent machines to perform human tasks. Computers and robots can learn from experience, performing various cognitive functions, including decision-making, reasoning and problem-solving.

Computer engineering and programming are integral to artificial intelligence, as it relies on algorithms to function and perform tasks. Despite the impressive capabilities of AI, it’s still in its infancy, and we can hopefully expect to see new advances in the future.

The types of AI

There are three types of AI, but some are less common than others. They include:

  • Narrow AI: Systems programmed for specific tasks fall into the narrow AI category. Chatbots, AI writing software Alexa and Siri are examples of narrow AI.
  • General AI: As a relatively new idea, general AI isn’t yet common in applications, but we’ll likely see it soon. This form of intelligence can self-learn, reason and demonstrate full human cognitive abilities.
  • Superintelligence: Now, this is the thing people are afraid of when AI exceeds a human’s capabilities. However, it’s a long way off, so you can stop preparing for a Terminator-style robot war. For now, anyway.

AI today and tomorrow

AI is rapidly changing and evolving

AI also plays a significant part in our daily lives, including voice assistants, fraud detection systems and medical diagnosis tools.

Its positive impact on the marketing world is undeniable, and it could include the ability to understand the context more and develop superior language abilities in the future. 

Why Is It Worth Becoming An AI Expert?

The global AI market continues to grow exponentially, with an estimated market value of $136.55 million in 2022. Estimates from Grand View Research also suggest that the market will increase by 37.3% by 2030, showing its sheer popularity.

While we can’t be completely sure of how many jobs AI will create, it’s clear that the new technology will automate the more mundane roles and new careers will appear in their place.

A report by Statista estimated that artificial intelligence eliminated 1.8 million jobs in 2022 but also created 2.3 million new ones.

When you become an artificial intelligence specialist, you can future-proof your career but also have access to higher-paid roles.

AI is here to stay

Like the internet, mobile phones and streaming platforms, AI won’t go anywhere. It plays a crucial role in automating mundane tasks and can integrate with other applications.

For example, machine learning makes gathering data easier than ever, allowing professionals to speed up decision-making.

Marketing, healthcare and any other sector that relies on data to gain insights can focus on solving problems and developing creative ideas that will drive business growth.

For example, the healthcare industry uses various technology solutions to speed up the diagnostic process through AI symptom checkers.

By 2026, artificial intelligence could save the US healthcare sector a whopping $150 Billion, which shows its potential long-term impact on society.

Upskill yourself in your current role

As sectors embrace AI, they’ll need professionals to help them implement it across business and marketing operations. Becoming an AI specialist allows you to make a lasting contribution to your workplace and drive innovation.

When you can help management understand the importance of AI and utilise it for data collection, enhancing customer experience and solving problems, you’ll become a valuable asset to your company.

Not only does this give you job security, but it also opens doors for promotion and roles that demand more responsibility.

Broaden your horizons

AI specialists have the freedom of choice, and their access to various roles will improve. The tech sector is bursting with opportunities for talented individuals, but other industries will also begin to recruit experienced professionals actively.

For example, you could work in healthcare and actively contribute to improving patient experience. Or large banks and other financial institutions are utilising the technology for cryptocurrency and data analysis, so there are plenty of opportunities.

Better still, large companies are paying a lot of money for AI experts. The New York Times reports that tech companies in Silicon Valley are giving professionals $300,000 to $500,000 annually in stock.

Impress bosses with your learning intent

A proactive employee makes a valuable employee. Showing your commitment to learning AI will impress your boss and set you apart from other team members.

If you can prove you can set and meet goals and support other employees with their learning, you can become an indispensable asset to the company.

Don’t get left behind

AI and automation are raising some concerns about potential job displacement, and it could happen. However, if you’re willing to adapt to changing times and ways of working, you can future-proof your career and have access to new opportunities.

Failing to make positive changes could have negative consequences. For example, there was a time when Blockbuster video was a household staple, and the global company seemed untouchable.

However, Blockbuster didn’t want to embrace technology and turned down a partnership with a much smaller company. That company is now known as Netflix, while Blockbuster faded into obscurity.

The point of the famous case study? Change happens, and failing to embrace it could leave you behind. Dive into the world of AI and machine learning, develop practical skills and have peace of mind that you’ll always be relevant in your sector.

What Do You Need To Be An AI Expert?

You don't need a degree to become an AI expert

As AI is a relatively new field, there are no entry requirements for degrees or other qualifications. However, some degrees are good pathways to a career, as they give individuals knowledge and expertise.

Popular degrees for AI careers include: 

Computer Science or Engineering: A bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a related field provides a solid foundation in programming, machine learning algorithms, data structures, and computer systems.

Mathematics or Statistics: AI engineers will require some maths skills, so a mathematics or statistical analysis degree will help you understand how deep learning works and how to create algorithms.

Skills required to be successful in artificial intelligence

The great thing about building a successful career as an AI expert is you can teach yourself the following skills—as long as you have the willingness to learn:

  • Programming Languages: A strong knowledge of programming languages is essential for using algorithms to create machine learning models.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP enables computers to process human language, so understanding how it works is central to a career in AI.
  • Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: AI experts must have solid problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities because the job involves identifying challenges and developing practical solutions.
  • Communication skills: Explaining the insights AI offers and justifying its implementation to non-technical audiences requires a great deal of communication. You’ll often have to explain the different AI models and how they impact business process management.
  • Continuously Learning: As an evolving field, AI professionals must be willing to update their skills constantly, which applies to all relevant roles in the sector.

How to Keep Up With AI News and Upskill Yourself

AI has many opportunities, and its applications for various sectors will open up plenty of doors. However, upskilling yourself and keeping up to date with news will ensure you succeed.

Here are some effective strategies to stay updated with the latest AI developments and enhance your skills:

AI-related blogs

AI Blogs help you stay up to date with the latest industry news as and when it happens. There are plenty of blogs to choose between, but we recommended the following for their actionable tips and comprehensive guides.

Machine learning mastery

Machine Learning Mastery is the go-to place for aspiring data science and programming professionals. It covers everything you need to know about the role of artificial intelligence for developers, including deep learning and multiple programming languages.

What we love about Machine Learning Mastery is Jason Brownlee’s no-nonsense guides for beginners that give readers actionable tips for getting started.


As the creators of ChatGPT, the team at OpenAI have certainly succeeded at building AI models. Their blog gives readers valuable guides about the artificial intelligence world and how to use it responsibly.

The blog shares information on various AI research processes and advances in the artificial intelligence field so that readers can understand machine learning concepts and deep learning algorithms.

Google AI blog

Well, it will be no surprise that Google’s AI-focused blog delivers on all bases. Readers can learn about big data technologies from a data science team and how to implement AI models while remaining ethical.

You can also learn to use AI but combine it with human intelligence and creativity to ensure Google accepts your content.


Marketers and business owners can turn to ACE when they want to implement AI for various forms of marketing. The blog focuses on providing readers with guides that include the best AI content writing tools and how to balance AI-generated content with human creativity for optimal results.

Readers can benefit from industry knowledge provided by AI marketing experts and boost their marketing strategy.

AI eBooks and courses

When learning AI and gradually building skills, eBooks and courses offer a structured path where you can go from beginner to expert. The following courses and eBooks will give you practical knowledge and insights to boost your career options.

Oxford Artificial Intelligence Programme

The University of Oxford offers people a six-week online course covering all components of artificial intelligence. You’ll learn about the technical elements of AI, including software engineering, machine learning and the ethical and social implications associated with the technology.

If you’re interested in data scientist or AI engineer career paths, the course will give you strong foundational knowledge to build your skills.

AI for everyone

Andrew NG developed this popular Coursera programme for beginners to learn about how AI works. The course lasts only four and a half hours, but it’s packed with valuable insights and tips to help beginners get to grips with the technology.

There’s also a section that covers potential problems people could encounter when using AI and the best tools that simplify business operations.

AI Email Newsletters

Email newsletters go straight to your inbox, giving you the latest news on AI and new technologies. Subscribing to the following newsletters ensures you can stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive.

AI Breakfast

AI Breakfast is a newsletter that gives readers the latest news and products from the industry. Operating weekly, you can benefit from case studies exploring how companies use AI for various business and marketing operations.

Overall, AI Breakfast is an excellent read, but it’s only suitable for people with industry knowledge.

Unwind AI

Looking for a more casual read? Unwind AI will give you just that—and some great tips for your learning journey. Weekly updates provide a general idea of various products and technologies while keeping everything light.

With memes to make reading the newsletter more fun, Unwind AI is great for some quick insights, but it doesn’t go very deep into topics.

Visually AI

While most AI newsletters are about computer technology and how to create AI models, Visually AI dedicates itself to the design aspects of tools. You’ll learn how to create your own designs and use technology to build effective artificial intelligence models.

As a design-orientated newsletter, Visually AI is ideal for designers and branding experts.

Ace Newsletter

Need up-to-date insights into AI and marketing? This newsletter won’t let you down. Regular updates about the marketing industry and the best AI tools for business allow you to implement the technology into your far-reaching strategy.

You’ll also learn to use AI to speed up your marketing process.

Becoming an Expert in Artificial Intelligence: The Final Verdict

AI will continue to grow in popularity as more businesses discover its uses, and becoming an expert can protect your future. However, there is a steep learning curve, so you also need to gain extensive expertise through courses and eBooks.

Once you nail the basics, you can consider specialising in a specific sector or field of AI. If you’d like to kickstart your journey, there’s no time like the present to get to grips with artificial intelligence.

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Frequently Asked Questions About How to Become an AI Expert

How long does it take to become an AI expert?

It depends on the route you take. AI is an evolving field, and most people learn gradually.

What qualifications do you need for AI?

None; just a passion and commitment to learning about AI.

Can I become an AI expert without a degree?

Yes, you can. The right course or eBook will give you the knowledge required to succeed.

How do I get into AI with no experience?

Anyone can get into AI if they study it and commit to the ongoing learning process.

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  1. […] Are you interested in becoming an AI content expert? Check out these tips and strategies. […]

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